Frequently asked questions
Please select a category from the list below in order to find the most common questions about our products and services. If you cannot find an answer to your questions, please contact us.
Can I download a copy of the Installation Instructions?
Yes, please see the product detail page where you can find the Technical product information of all products.
Can user manuals / installation instructions be downloaded?
Yes. Enter the product code in the "search" box in the top right corner of the home page. For the product, click on "Technical Product Information". This will open a pdf version.
Where can I buy spare parts for GROHE products?
You can obtain spare parts from any GROHE stockist. Please visit our website and type in your post code in the showroom locator.
Does GROHE provide any cleaning products?
Yes we do, it is called Grohclean, product no. 45934000.
Does GROHE offer a maintenance contract?
Generally we do not however please contact GROHE Customer Services to further advice.
How can I identify the spare part for my GROHE product?
Go to our website and enter the product code in the "search" box in the top right corner of the home page. For the product, click on "Technical Product Information".
Does GROHE offer any applications for the Iphone?
Yes, we have various apps, please go to the ITunes store and give in GROHE.
Where can I get GROHE brochures as PDF?
You will find all available brochures in our service chapter.
Where to buy
Where can I buy GROHE products?
Please go on to our website and type in your post code in the showroom locator.
Where can I find the complete product range?
Please visit our product catalogue.
How long is the GROHE guarantee?
5 years as long as you have a proof of purchase that you can supply us with. In commercial situations there needs to be evidence of an annual maintenance programme, otherwise the guarantee is 1 year.
Are spare parts guaranteed?
If GROHE replaces a part under guarantee then the guarantee for the complete product is still 5 years from the date of purchase. If a spare part is purchased out of guarantee then it has a guarantee for 5 years. To validate the GROHE guarantee, proof of purchase is required.
What does the GROHE guarantee include?
Guarantee conditions exist when the performance of the product is impaired by faults caused within the material or manufacturing process. Warranty conditions do not apply on faults caused by a third party due to: handling of the product, not installing in accordance to fitting instructions, not maintained in accordance with our condition for care, maintenance carried out by other than qualified installers, use of spare parts not of our manufacture, connecting, bending, or damaging during installation, scratching surface, damaging surface due to applying incorrect cleaning agent. Where a product or part is replaced and / or repaired under guarantee, then the complete product / replaced parts still only carry the period of guarantee based on the original purchase date of the complete product. If an ex-display product is purchased from a GROHE reseller / stockist / dealer, then the product is not covered by the GROHE 5 year warrantee. The guarantee is borne solely by the reseller of the product.
Who designs GROHE products?
We have a team of designers based in Germany, headed up by internationally renowned, award winning designer Paul Flowers
Where are GROHE products produced?
We have 6 plants worldwide, main production is in our 3 plants in Germany.
What does "Cosmopolitan" design mean?
Cosmopolitan products are a meticulous balance of design and functionality, influenced by minimalism with advanced engineering.
What is GROHE "Sensual Minimalism"?
Sensual Minimalism is a softer, more tactile and emotional form of minimalism.
What is GROHE's environmental, health & safety policy?
It is part of our policy that all of our Group Facilities follow the same EHS principles and guidelines. Environmental, health & safety standards “Made by GROHE”. Our Corporate Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS), Sustainability unit ensures by corresponding specifications and regular audits that uniform EHS standards “Made by GROHE” are established and fulfilled throughout the world. ISO 14001, Certification of all our essential Group facilities according to the international standards ISO 14001:2004 (environmental management) and - in the future - OHSAS 18001:2007 (health & safety management) are part of these standards.
Is GROHE one and the same producer like HansGROHE?
No! GROHE and Hansgrohe are two different companies and offer different products.
Is AXOR also a brand of GROHE?
No, this is a sub brand of hansgrohe.